
1、80-year-old man who teach

A classroom which was converted into from an old tile-roofed house, scores of swinging desks and chairs, two boards painted with black ink, a gray-...

2、55岁老汉野外看见儿媳妇小便 冲动之下将其强奸-中

55岁老汉野外看见儿媳妇小便 冲动之下将其强奸 趁儿子外出干活,以送儿媳放羊为由,在野外和家中将其强奸。近日,安徽省亳州市利辛县人民检察院以涉嫌强奸罪依法...

3、A 92-year-old Russian-Chi

92-year-old Nina stands in the doorway outside of her house in Zibo, East China"s Shandong province, Jan 3, 2017. [Photo/IC] At the age of seven, Nina moved to China fr...

4、Video series to relate su

China"s State Archives Administration plans to release videos documenting the suffering of sex slaves at the hands of the Japanese military over 70 ...


老奶奶:给我买了一身棉毛衫,还买了羊毛衫,就是十月一号来买的 这边老人拉着大伙聊她的干儿子,那边吴云成已经忙着帮老人干起了家务。 吴云成:其实我也没做什么...



7、65-year-old Chinese woman

BEIJING, April 27 -- 65-year-old Chinese woman Jiang Zhijun falls in love with pole dance, which makes her retired life more pleasure and excitement. Pole dance came to...

8、Unique sugar composition

A woman breastfeeds her baby during a public event to promote the benefits of breastfeeding at a park in Bogota on Nov. 3, 2017. (Xinhua/AFP) WASHIN...


日本男人和中国男人真的是不同!她说。日本男人做完性生活以后,会点头甚至鞠躬说一声“谢谢”。你相信吗?我只能回答:“因为我是中国男人,这事真的不知道!” 决...

10、91-year-old granny breaks

In Chengdu, you can find teahouses everywhere, whether it’s in a busy street, a run-down alley, a park or even a university campus. No matter whic...
